Take the Circulation Quiz. Our health coach will call you during the time you request to go over your results.
When you have taking the machines apart and stepped on almost all of them, you can't be decieved.
I pretty much live on chlorella and spirulina. It alkalizes my body so I am not leaching minerals from my bones to buffer the acidity in my body. Even if I eat healthy it is hard to prevent air borne toxins I breath daily.
People always ask me what I eat. I can look at someone's fridge and tell you all about their body ecology.
Do you know if your blood pressure or heart rate is normal?
Can you see your veins easily through your skin?
Do you have cellulite blockages that can decrease circulation?
Are you taking any probiotics or aerobic bacteria?
Do you have any blockages in your veins or arteries that may be slowing down blood flow?
Do your feet tingle or ever fall asleep?
Do you get cramps or pain in your muscles?
Do you have vericose veins?
Is any part of your body unusually cold?
Do you get out of breath when going up stairs?
Is your skin dry?
Do you know the pH of your body is acidic?
Do you bruise easily?
Do you yawn a lot during the day when not really tired?
Do your hands ever "go to sleep"
Does your heart ever race or palpitations?
Do you get shortness of breath?
Do you hands or feet cold?
Are you pale?
Do you get muscle twitches?
What else should we know a bout you
I try to make that everyone that takes the quiz gets called back the same day. If you let me know what time to call, I will try to call you at that time. If I believe someone is too sick to use a vibration machine or there are other steps that should probably be looked at first, I will tell you. There is about 1 in 10 emails that I get that doesn't qualify someone for a machine. Thanks for taking the time to read my site.
What is your weight?
Contact me today for a free ½ hour phone consultation to discuss how I can help your compare vibration machines that you are looking at, components and engineering differences, and how to determine the right power you need and vibration type based on your body ecology. If I don't think a vibration machine is right for you, I will tell you. About 10% of people that call me have such compromised health that they do not qualify for a vibration machine until other issues are resolved.