ALUMINUM VS STEAL (Aluminum models the same size are about 1/3 the weight of the steal ones.
​Many people have back problems. I am comfortable promoting these for those with back problems. It goes up the back without jarring but more like a massage. The plate never moves as it is fixed. totally different than most of the first generation linear plates on the market.

AT the top speeds, the aluminum feel EXACTLY THE SAME from the heavy weight 49 pound alumimum motor to the 250 lb steel models in that they put a smaller ounce weight in teh aluminium ones which spins inside the motor giving the G force to to the plate. And, the stainless steal ones have a heavier weight that spins in the motor giving it more G force but not enough to vibrate the machine off the floor. The steal one has to have so much more weight but is totally grounded unlike the other unless. You can can't keep the machine running and step off the aluminum one like you can the heavy steal one.

​The aluminum is portable and many people bring them in their yoga studio (the quiet ones) becuase of its portability

The newer ones can run all day long and will not get hot. Gyms can use them all day and the motor should last at least a 5 years in a gym and 10 years in a home. I talkd to the owner of Vibeplate and he says gyms never call them to get the motor replaced for at least 3 years. They have warranties on their motor for extensions also. So, if you wanna read a book and use the Vibeplate as a foot massager for several hours, you don't have to worry about it getting hot and frying the copper windings.

Choosing based on specific concerns
New VibePlate
24x40 Stainless Steal Model $2,595 
DEMOS ON SALE Call for price on our new Demos and availability from our videos
Maximum power: 2 HP
Vibration mode: Linear Pulse
Power consumption: 1/6 Horsepower
Vibration Frequency: 10 to 50Hz Linear
Vibration Amplitude: 0mm
User weight capability: 2000 lbs

Buy a VIBEPLATE 24X24 and get
Free EMF Sticker for your phone $29 value
Free Energy Pendant $100 value
Free 1 hour raw food consultation $50 value
Free Demo Handle bar (only 4 left)

I like how it doesn't jar the bones and the fixed plate removes the ballistic impact known as the jack hammer on plates that actually move up and down. I need more videos. Discounts to those that want to help me.
The Vibeplate has the DC motor that doesn't emit EMF through its super thick plate. Watch me compare the EMF on this machine.

The largest plates sizes from 2 feet to 6 feet ( for yoga and for use up to 3 to 5 people)
Green energy Conservation- low wattage consumption

9+ POUND Motor - Same as in the $10,000 machines

USA Copper Wound MOTOR (not built in China or Malasia)

Lowest noise of all models I have tested (In 2014 models)

Commercial all day long motor, 5 year warranty

10 year warranty on motor for Residential Use
The VIBEPLATE is known for "best in chiropracitic use" for bones.
The VIBE PLATE, my second favorite linear machine on the market, outside the $12 thousand dollar Hypergravity. 
For residential use the Vibe plate is the strongest linear machine on the market that I have tested.

​It doesn't actually move the top plate, it sends pulses through it. The heavy guage thick plate doesn't resonate either or move across the room (except for their aluminum one that is about 1/3 the weight unless you stand on that one first. It's more expensive too and is their best seller because its portable and light, 49 pounds instead of 180 for the stainless steal version.

I turn it on and get an hour body foot and leg massage every night while I am reading or on the phone. If you call and I am distracted, just tell me to turn it off. I set it on super low when I'm on the phone but it is more relaxing than the high speeds, you feel it like going over a bumpy road when it is on slow.

Since this model has been out, many chiropractors and physical therapy clinics now use them cuz the plate doesn't move or have the risk of jarring someones back and through them up and down like a freakin jack hammer. Don't get me wrong, the ones that the linear plate moves has their pros and cons too. It is just that many pepole have low bone density and seem to be fragile, especially those who call in telling me they have bad backs. I won't sell them certain machines cuz I know they will end up complaining. I am usually right when I recommend something, I hear too much positive and negative feedback from each type.
Please buy an amp meter from Radio Shack... Like today!!!
I have said to many people to go to Radio shack and buy a 15 dollar amp meter

so they can see how healthy or unhealthy they are. The range is from - 400 millivolts (mv) all the way to 400 millivolts. If people are in the negative range, the further to -400 the healthier they are. Most people calling my site are in the positive range and the more postive the more health issues people complain about and the more serious the conditions the closer to +400 (positive numbers).

Here is where and which type of problems are at:
-30 mv energy level : this is when a person feels like a million dollars, usually kids and athletes
-20 mv energy level : this is when a person feels good, usually adults

-15 mv energy level : this is when a person feel tired but not sick
-10 mv energy level : this is when a person is sick but not necessarily health concerns
-5 mv energy level : this is when a person starts to get major health concerns and the voltage level slowly goes into the positive range from here. This is where most people start to call me and those that don't do anything to bring up the voltage who call me in the positive range are the ones that almost 99.9999% of the time have sluggish lymphatic systems, low bone density, and pain all over their body. Moving all the waste out of the body with lymphatic flushing and a good probiotic can quickly bring the voltage back into the negative range as the trapped blood proteins and stagnant waste in the lymph gets removed from the blockages.

The higher the positive range, or the more the voltage of the body disappears, the more problems people usually have. The people that call me who are at positive 30 millivolts, these are the people that have serious conditions. Their cells and whole body cannot function and they are always getting sick. In a very acidic body with low voltage, almost anyone would be in pain.

When the body is moving lymph and the toxins are coming out of the body, the cells normally pick up voltage. If the body cannot produce enough energy, at least -50 mv, it will be hard for the body to heal. A good probiotic can help with that to restore the body back to -20 millivolts, that should be everyone's goal. I would test my voltage every day and do whatever it took to get my body voltage back to -20 if mine was in the positive range or I was in the range making me tired all the time. 

Most of the major health concerns fit in a certain voltage range. The body must go to -50 mv BEFORE going back to -20 mv, which is the healthy state. It is very hard to reach -50 for most people that are in the "tired" range unless they know what what to do to get out of that range.

You cannot do it by just eating well nor doing things to increase your voltage without minerals, etc. 

I have tried nearly all the major brands of spiral models. If you need help choosing a vibration machine contact me. If you need prices on the new VIBEPLATE, call me to see if I have any demos if you need a reduced price. I do demos often and can reserve one if I don't have one.
24in x 40in model is the most popular.
Make sure you know which one you want. Aluminum or Steal. Both are good but both have their pros and cons.
Beware of sellers selling the 1st and 2nd generation VibePlates that are noisy and have motors that are not smooth at the high speeds. We only sell the 3rd generation models that are current.
Most of the chiropractors previously didn't use the linear as it was known as the jack hammer. The Vibeplate doesnt as the plate is built in and does not to move. The motor also does not give off EMF to anyone on the plate. I have a video on this page that you can watch and see how no Emf is registered on the EMF meter.

My recommendation: I definitely would recommend the Vibeplate to anyone mostly for rehab and sports performance and ciruclation issues. For lymphatic, it does go to 10 hertz but this is more of a serious machine for someone who has bone density concerns and wants to maximize their workouts. Basically, it doesn't focus on lymph drainage. It is perfect perfect perfect for bone density and getting the craziest workout you ever had if you do the same exercises you would normally do in the gym. You can do pushups on it, crunches, and squats and probably do 60% of what you would normally do on the highest setting. For those that have bad backs and can't handle any movement and want to move lymph with a bad back, this one can be some people's only choice.
Free demo bar Giveaway on the next Vibe Plate Sale for any model. We have 4 bar sets from our demos.
High amplitude Linear VS Fixed plate Linear:
​Many peole wnat the benefits of increasing their bone density but cannot handle any up and down movement, even 1mm of up and down plate movement. Some people have very bad blood circulation and prefer to stand on a plate that doesn't actually move but only vibrates. The vibrations go through the plate,rather than moving the plate up and down as it is fixed and is not on a spring system like earlier generation linear machines. After sellling the higher acceleration, higher amplitude linear machines, many people have returned them saying that their backs hurt even though they notice results. I don't hear that with this brand ever. I never hear of people getting the blurry vision and eyes tearing. For people that are young and have a strong back, the non-fixed linear plates rarely have have complaints. I usually prefer to only sell this type if someone has a bad back or low bone density already.
Mention promo code EG301 from if you want our freebie package and FREE balance bar we have on the Vibeplate machine. You can also give this code to the manufacture at
Call 1-866-945-9072 for give promo code.

Free demo bar Giveaway on the next Vibe Plate Sale for any model. We have 4 bar sets from our demos.

We are open now
8am-7pm Central
We are open now
8am-7pm Central