If your focus is on bone density or lymphatic movement, you need to read this page.
With the right amplitude, you want to squeeze each of the one way valves in the lymphatic vessels. Depending on the health of the person and the viscosity of the lymph fluid, G force "popping you without the right amplitude can vary in effectiveness. Some people can get away with a lower powered, lower amplitude model and some people need more flushing power at lower or higher vibrations. If there is not enough milliseconds to allow flushing and the "milking motion" to circulate the lymph, you are just vibrating and not pumping the one way valves. DON'T GET SCAMMED!
The motorized linear machines usually start at 20 HZ or higher, very few go down to 10 hertz not being sonic.
These do not go to 2 to 3 HZ.
Decide if you are doing vibration therapy or for core strength before you decide.
If you are looking to build core strength and bone density only, the models that start at 20 HZ are fine.
Many people cancel their order when buy a machine that doesn't go under 20 HZ.
If you don't need a machine that goes to 2 HZ you will save a lot of money.
Low frequency lymph workouts is not the same as high frequency bone and strength workouts.

When I refer to lineal vibration plate machines, I am referring to machines that are 100% lineal (Z-Axis)
as well as those that are not 100% only up and down vibration.

It is more expensive to make a motor that can lift a person in air, it is even more expensive to lift a person
at higher amplitudes. The stronger the motor, the higher the G-force which is directly related to how high
the plate rises per second. One does have to take into account the law of diminishing returns. On the motorized
models, it takes more power to lift a person at high amplitudes compared to sonic models that have shorter
amplitude (shorter G-force) at high frequencies. The sonic models at very low settings have higher amplitudes
which is just the opposite from the way the motorized models work.

As a machine can have 100% z-axis vibration from a motor as well as sonic vibration, one has to know if he
or she is seeking the highest amplitudes at 60 vibrations per second or if they want that same amplitude at
10 hertz per second. Again, if you study the law of diminishing returns, you will get higher amplitudes when
turning up the frequency in the motor type and higher amplitudes in the sonic type as you turn down the
frequency of vibration. This is the biggest choice to make when choosing a sonic over a motor and vice
versus. Each has their own pros and cons but both can give the results but there is no one machine fits all.

I have used the highest end z-axis motorized model, it reeks of quality. Although I am not 500 pounds, I do
notice the difference when on a machine that is rated for 1500 pounds as opposed to a model that is rated
for users up to 700 pounds. When you jump and land, you just triple your weight to figure in the G force when
you land. If someone is 200 pounds and they are doing jump squats, the machine has a stress of 600 pounds.
So, if your machine is rated for 500 pounds instead of 600 pounds, then you are putting 100 pounds of extra
stress on the machine over what it is designed to handle. If you take my quiz, I can pinpoint which model fits
you exactly, not just by your weight but by about 20 different factors. I've found one company that has 8 different
versions of motors for their machine. It's a waste of money to buy a machine that's overkill.
Many people waste money by buying a machine that is rated for weights beyond what they will put on it. As long
as one doesn't put weight on the machine over what it is designed to do, it won't burn out and bottom out when
you perform dynamic exercises on it.

 You gotta love over-engineering but not what you can't appreciate if it doesn't apply to you; If the entry level
z-axis vibration plate machines are Korean econocars, then the highest horsepower, heavy weight models are
the Ferrari's among the still respectable BMW's also in this class. (" " " " " ")

When I stood on most powerful and heaviest model out there that I consider the
Rolls Royce for motorized vibration, the machine acted as if I wasn't even on the
plate. When something is rated at 1,500 pounds and I am less than 200 pounds,
I can't even lift enough weight that would bottom this machine out.

The more z-axis vibration you get, the more G-force you get. You cannot get G force from side to side or front
to back vibration. G force works with gravity. I personally get a headache on the models that do not have mostly
z-axis vibration.

It's not a tough decision to make when picking out the right size motor to get you z-axis vibration when you factor
in your weight and what type of exercises you will be doing. You need to know the maximum weight that you will
put on the plate, how long you will run the machine per day, and several other factors. My quiz can help pinpoint
this model and you can decide if my estimated guess is accurate. You should not want to buy one thats not powerful
enough and one that's not overkill.
Crank type Z axis motor
(This gives the pop at the bottom. NO springs either. These are not being made as much anymore.
The rotary motor is connected to the plate. Nothing to cushion the plate.
These have a fixed amplitude since its connected to the motor.
Crank type Z axis motor
(This gives the pop at the bottom. NO springs either. These are not being made as much anymore.
The rotary motor is connected to the plate. Nothing to cushion the plate.
These have a fixed amplitude since its connected to the motor.
Rotary type motor
The plate sits on rubber or combo springs and their is more cushioning but still outdated but not as bad
as the crank type. Not being made as much since linear models came out.
You have to bend your knees when workout out and never straiten them. It even says that in their manuals.
These are noisier but not as noisy as the crank type.
 How it works:
The 2 rotary pairs of motors pictured above are synchronized so that the sideways force cancels each other
out which make the plate think that it is being pushed vertically. Notice the weight attached to the end of the shaft that hits the
plate causing it to move up with each blow.
And, finally the Lineal motor.
This type has the most gently, springy feel of all plates.
Its theraputic in a sense that it move the entire body, not just up to the hip joint.
Notice the head bopping of users on a z axis model versus almost no involuntary head
bopping on a pivotal model.
You can sit on a z axis model and vibrate and open up the one way valves
but on a pivotal you really can't sit on it. For theraputic reasons, this type is the most popular.
Almost all the holistic doctors choose this type. If you call around the country at random to health
practitioners you will see for yourself.
This type does not have inertial like the other 2 types which are more jarring
On this type, you can just stand and all the tisues in the body get the G force vibration, from your feet to your head.
This is true, WBV (whole body vibration).... not HBV (Half Body Vibration)

Please contact us to pick out the right z axis model for you that is not underpowered or you don't buy too powerful of a motor
that you will never utilize (over kill)

For those concerned about moving lymph at the slower frequency levels......

If you have a very powerful motor.. the motor can turn slow. its takes more power to move a plate with a person's body 10 times up and down per second than 25 times. In order to move the body at a low rpm, you have to work against momentum.
40 to 50 hz is the easiest on the motor.
A motor moving a plate 60 hz needs much higher amperage than those that only go up to 50hz. The biggest motor of all the WBV machine on the market is around 5 amps, the smallest only 1amp. In order to move a heavy person at 10 hz per second, it will probably require a dual motor and as close to 5 amps.

It is very hard to do dumb bell curls when the plate is moving side to side. Having two dumb bells in your hand when you natural tendency is to hold onto the bar makes it very difficult. Linear, in this instance, is preferable. Many come with straps and this is usually a good substitute for weights.

What’s the best frequency setting for a vibration machine? 

Why do pivotal machines have a timer for 10 minutes while vertical machines sometimes max out at 2 minutes? A pivotal machine usually has 10 to 14mm amplitude while vertical ones are around 4 mm. Does that mean a pivotal is better? These are only some of the questions that people have when they are looking to buy a vibration machine, or when they’re looking for the right exercise program. I hope I can answer the question "what’s the best frequency setting for my vibration machine"?

If you’ve ever lifted weights, or walked on a treadmill, you’ll know how important it is to get the right settings. Lifting weights requires the right amount of weight, lifted the right number of times for a certain period of time to see any benefits. Lifting weights that are too heavy, or too light, or lifting fast or lifting slow will affect how you’ll improve with your health and fitness. Treadmills also have different speeds, inclines and programs. Which would be the best for you? As you will see, vibration exercise is no different. One of the key factors of vibration training is the frequency of the platform, the number of times the platform drops up and down.

Frequencies are different on pivotal versus vertical machines 
Vertical platforms typically go from 30 to 50 Hertz, while pivotal machines usually go from 5 to 30 Hertz. There are some machines on the market that go above or below this, but that’s the exception and not the rule. The difference in the frequencies is dependent on the nature of vibration. An oscillating, pivotal machine provides a different type of movement than a vertical unit. Also, the frequencies will be different. 

If a person is more fit, starting off at lower frequency and amplitudes will produce no effects. The person may become uninterested considering their goals of harder effort will not be there. I’ve seen this many times with those that workout or are athletes. For these people, we quickly begin to adjust their frequencies based upon where they feel they are feeling that it’s just right. Most of the time, increasing the frequency and/or amplitude will lead to one range where that person feels they are getting a good muscle contraction effect from the vibration. One thing to note is that the person is not exercising "harder", as they originally thought they should be. They believe they will be doing dynamic exercises with added weight loads since the vibration feels easy to them. However, by increasing the frequency and amplitude to their needs, they are often surprised that their muscles get fatigued so quickly, even being in a static posture. What we’ve basically done is find the individualized frequency of that particular person and initiated vibration exercise at that specific frequency. 

The focus is on body building and bone density
Most of the football players put a linear machine right next to each bench and workout machine. Linear can help increase the workload by the percentage based on the weights they are using. Picture curling a dumb bell on a platform going side to side. The pure linear makes it much easier than on oscillating machines. On a tri-motion machines you are limited to using the straps while on linear, you are not limited and can use free weights and a wide range of dynamic exercises.

Latest Linear News
Vibrating handlebars and why people is ask for them.
The upper vibrations are enjoyed by people with tightness in the fingers and hands as well as inflammation in the arms. Most of the platforms people stand on don't deliver enough vibration to the arms and hands and now they do. When I held on to the bar I could feel my whole arms tingle from blood circulation that I never felt before. Holding onto the vibrating bars also can help to work out the upper body muscles as well at the same time as doing leg exercises. Only a few machines have a vibrating plate as well as the entire rail and handle bars. It's a nice feature to have if you want to work your upper arms and get rid of extra tension.
The Good & The Bad of Whole Body Vibration
Ever wonder why people get sick on roller coasters. Some people can go on them all day and some get sick just after a 1 minute ride. The vibrations and G forces open up the one way valves in the lymphatic system and dump too much lymph that an unhealthy body can't process. Toxic people quickly get their equilibrium messed up and then get a headache.

Most people are vibrating totally wrong. Some are vibrating too many times per second and others not enough. The body cannot process all the wastes as fast on very powerful ones and that is why some people can't go through a full workout as they vibrate too many times and cannot finish their 10 minute workout. They have already flushed too much in the first 2 minutes and then they get a headache. Lower amplitude models have helped with this. Higher amplitude models can only be good if your body is ready for it.

Depending on your weight and state of health this would determine which type of vibration machine to get. Each of different brands have different amplitudes and different vibrations per seconds depending on your weight. Some you can set at 30 vibrations per second but if you are 100 pounds and someone else is 200 pounds, the machine won't adjust to the body weight. A model with a very powerful motor will help give more accurate vibrations per second as the motor doesn't slow down like those with cheaper motors.

The main goal of using a machine is to first get rid of a sluggish lymphatic system by creating a vacuum in the lymphatic vessels with the one way valves that pump and flush the wastes out. Most people starting out have poisoned blood from not eliminating wastes properly. I can look at someone's skin and if inflamed or broken out can instantly know if they have a blood problem.

Just like the blood flow stops in the capillaries and the air stops in the cells in the lungs, the lymph stops in the liver and then after being processed it goes into the gut. Lymph that is stagnant slowly or never reaches the liver as it is not pumped as fast and gets absorbed into the fatty tissues, breath and skin instead. Many people have a whitish haze on their tongue from this also. A good probiotic can help facilitate the lymph movement so that it gets eliminated properly in the gut without being reabsorbed back into the body which would be a waste of time. The liver can process a lot of lymph unless degenerated but the intestines sometimes need a little assistance from a quality probiotic.

A healing crisis can happen if the poisons in the blood are not being properly purified from the liver going into the intestines. Many people do a liver flush while using the machines also. It is very popular.

Many people are on oxygen machines and all they are doing is feeding the poisoned blood with more oxygen making an unhealthy body in a degenerated state keep living the same way. Eliminate the filth in the body and not just rely on the oxygen as a crutch.

Getting rid of the wastes from the lymph can bring vitality but can also do something bad. It can just as easily destroy us if we can't process the wastes and detox after moving the lymph to be processed. Many toxic people are getting on these and have no idea what they are doing. They are just following what their salesperson told them that has no background in what has worked and what hasn't for people. Not all of them but most that people talk to that come to me. There is such a high turnover at these companies and when I often call to find out why they told a customer something, Guess what, they no longer work there. Exactly my point.

Vibrating up and down against gravity, vertically, can move about 4 teaspoons of lymph per minute that ends up flushed to the liver. If someone is on the machine for 10 minute, thats 40 teaspoons of lymph being dumped into the liver. The liver can only hold so much fluid. You can't dump more than it can hold or it will pass through and not be processed. Then the unprocessed wastes go into the gut and this is when problems occur. Naive people who don't want to learn from someone who has experience with people that do it wrong who are in a health crisis are usually the ones that don't listen. Even if they don't agree with something that someone else didn't tell them first it is wise to listen or talk to people who went through what they are going through. Again, most people don't have friends that have these or know people so they listen to their sales people who many all say that the brand they sell is the best. Every company's sales pitches seem so convincing until you hear their competition's pitch and then it gets all confusing. I know all the pitches and know which ones are accurate for some people but not others with different issues.

Some machines can have the same specs but when you get on them they feel totally different and do not match up to what they claim. Each of the different linear brands seem to operate differently.

Some seem to flush better than others and some are more jarring and the plates are so thin that you don't feel stable on their plate depending on your weight. I will help those who want a machine pick out the machine that is best for them. Some people need lower amplitudes and some more. Some need quicker vibrations and some need less per second. Some people want to be able to stand with their legs further apart without stressing the motor and others simply just want to stand on them which doesn't require such an expensive machine. Others are doing more dynamic exercises which require a different type of motor.

The most important thing is that you get the right machine that is accurate and you don't go into a healing crisis by not knowing what you are doing. 

DKN, my second best selling linear models. They also invented the Powervibe Zen Pro 5900, which is my best selling one but it is now sold under Powervibeusa.com.
These are both very different in feel. Please take my quiz so you can pick out the right type of linear machine if linear or find out if linear over pivotal or spiral is right for you.
It is very hard to do dumb bell curls when the plate is moving side to side. Having two dumb bells in your hand when you natural tendency is to hold onto the bar makes it very difficult. Linear, in this instance, is preferable. Many come with straps and this is usually a good substitute for weights.

What’s the best frequency setting for a vibration machine? 

Why do pivotal machines have a timer for 10 minutes while vertical machines sometimes max out at 2 minutes? A pivotal machine usually has 10 to 14mm amplitude while vertical ones are around 4 mm. Does that mean a pivotal is better? These are only some of the questions that people have when they are looking to buy a vibration machine, or when they’re looking for the right exercise program. I hope I can answer the question "what’s the best frequency setting for my vibration machine"?

If you’ve ever lifted weights, or walked on a treadmill, you’ll know how important it is to get the right settings. Lifting weights requires the right amount of weight, lifted the right number of times for a certain period of time to see any benefits. Lifting weights that are too heavy, or too light, or lifting fast or lifting slow will affect how you’ll improve with your health and fitness. Treadmills also have different speeds, inclines and programs. Which would be the best for you? As you will see, vibration exercise is no different. One of the key factors of vibration training is the frequency of the platform, the number of times the platform drops up and down.

Frequencies are different on pivotal versus vertical machines 
Vertical platforms typically go from 30 to 50 Hertz, while pivotal machines usually go from 5 to 30 Hertz. There are some machines on the market that go above or below this, but that’s the exception and not the rule. The difference in the frequencies is dependent on the nature of vibration. An oscillating, pivotal machine provides a different type of movement than a vertical unit. Also, the frequencies will be different. 

If a person is more fit, starting off at lower frequency and amplitudes will produce no effects. The person may become uninterested considering their goals of harder effort will not be there. I’ve seen this many times with those that workout or are athletes. For these people, we quickly begin to adjust their frequencies based upon where they feel they are feeling that it’s just right. Most of the time, increasing the frequency and/or amplitude will lead to one range where that person feels they are getting a good muscle contraction effect from the vibration. One thing to note is that the person is not exercising "harder", as they originally thought they should be. They believe they will be doing dynamic exercises with added weight loads since the vibration feels easy to them. However, by increasing the frequency and amplitude to their needs, they are often surprised that their muscles get fatigued so quickly, even being in a static posture. What we’ve basically done is find the individualized frequency of that particular person and initiated vibration exercise at that specific frequency. 

The focus is on body building and bone density
Most of the football players put a linear machine right next to each bench and workout machine. Linear can help increase the workload by the percentage based on the weights they are using. Picture curling a dumb bell on a platform going side to side. The pure linear makes it much easier than on oscillating machines. On a tri-motion machines you are limited to using the straps while on linear, you are not limited and can use free weights and a wide range of dynamic exercises.

Latest Linear News
Vibrating handlebars and why people is ask for them.
The upper vibrations are enjoyed by people with tightness in the fingers and hands as well as inflammation in the arms. Most of the platforms people stand on don't deliver enough vibration to the arms and hands and now they do. When I held on to the bar I could feel my whole arms tingle from blood circulation that I never felt before. Holding onto the vibrating bars also can help to work out the upper body muscles as well at the same time as doing leg exercises. Only a few machines have a vibrating plate as well as the entire rail and handle bars. It's a nice feature to have if you want to work your upper arms and get rid of extra tension.

Remember, if you are under a certain weight and not using the machine for long consecutive usage, commercial linear machines are not necessary.
There are linear models that are sonic, motorized, and some that kind of levitate with the newer type like the mono rails that use magnets (electromagnetic induction). Each one has different amplitude capabilities. The thing to look at is which ones lower or raise in amplitude when the frequency goes higher or lower. Motors keep a constant amplitude while the electromagnetic induction type can minimize the amplitude as the frequency raises. If you are focusing on lymphatic movement or more for gaining muscle or bone density this can be a factor in choosing a machine. 
Before buying a machine, ask yourself if you can jump rope for 30 minutes to an hour on a hardwood floor, then you might want to get a vibration machine that doesn't make you feel like that after 10 minutes. Many people who have back problems who buy the wrong machine end up returning them anyway. Many people buy vibration machines to improve their bone density and if it jars you, you will probably not want to use it. I will not sell certain types to people who have back problems.
For those that are looking to build bone density and who want to get G forces to the back unlike the ones that pivot at the hips, the linear page is for you to decide on if linear (up and down only) or pivotal (the sea saw type which cancels out at the hips) is the type for you.

What linear resembles, running on uneven ground. Walking on uneven trails is more liek the pivotal type where your head doesn't actualy bop up in the air and the back gets less than 1 G force. Running on uneven ground makes the back go up and down unlike walking. (For those that have bad backs, the inear might not be appropriate unless on low amplitugded ones or ones that you can control the amplitude settings so the back doesn't get jarred.

Many people are buying the wrong type and especially people that want to build bone density or pump the one way valves in the lymphatic system to flush the lactic acids and heavy metals out of the body. HOw in the #Q%@# can you build the bone density in the back if the hips are canceled out unless you lock your legs and this can be bad on the knees. No runner runs with their legs locked. It's like tryingt to build bone denstiy and sacrifing knee damage at the same time. With low amplitude and speeds over 20 hertz, the linear models can generate 3 G forces to get the results that all the websites brag about but only if its comfortable or people will soon be returning the machines. I will not sell a linear machine to someone unles I belive it will help them and can explain why I think it would help. 50% of the peope that call my site should be getting linear and the other 50% should be getting pivotal or spiral. Please use this page to help you decide on which type to buy.
Decision one to make: choice one: AC or DC linear motors
When to go with which type. This is how I choose:
Unless it is under 200 watts and it is a linear motor AC motor, the EMF is usually really low (unless it has a lot of electronics that give off EMF instead of the motor. (some control panels are in the rail and close to the upper body and give off a lot of EMF). If a motor is less than 200 watts and EMF blocking stickers are put on the frame, there should be no problem wiht over emf exposure, especially if the plate is solid steel which blocks EMF unlike some plastic frames. It seems like all the linear machines are coming down from the 5000 watt or 1000 watt ac motors to be more considerate of the those seeking lower EMF. Having a 500 watt motor, to some people seems like it is inconsiderate to those seeking low EMF exposure. It seems to take more engineering to manufacturer a motor that is uses less energy that can produce the power of the higher wattage motors. The average hair dryer can be 1500 to 2800 watts.
This hair dryer is 2800 watts.
What is the biggest expense in a linear motor?
I don't just go by the highest wattage motor. A mtor can have 200 watts and 1 amp or 200 watts and 2 amps. The motor with 2 amps can be several times more powerul and more than double the price just from having and extra amp. A hairdryer has high wattage with low amps and a linear that is very expensive can have super low watts and high amperage. Based on the machines I have tested the AC motor types tend to have more wattage and lower amps in the low end range and lower wattage and higher amperage in the high end range.
When you need 2 versus 1 motor on a linear machine
When the platform is very large. Not because it is heavier or holding more weight, it is becaus the circumference is larger. If a person stands near the edge of a single motor sometimes the motor can strain and the machine starts making a knocking noise. If doing dynamic exercises two motors is almost mandatory. When one motor tries to work all by itself when it should have two, it does not sound good and does not feel as stable. The machine should never strain to get G force.

How long will you be running the machine per day?
This will determine how many amps you should have. The more amps the more time per session people can use the machine and the more people per hour in a gym or clinic can use it without wating for the motor to cool back down. This is a major problem with low amperage linear machines. Most of the Italian made motors have low wattage but higher amperage. I like the Italian made motors but they are usually too expensive for most people. To run the machine longer, two motors usually works better as long as they are not the old technology where the motors went out of synch. The people who bough the first generation dual motors quickly complained usually after a year that their machine started shaking and moved across the room as the motors were out of synch. This is when most companies started using one motor like they did previously and discontinued the dual motors on linear machines. Now the Italians made the dual motor so it doesn't have this problem anymore. There is less noise and the motors are super precise but very expensive.

The dual motors usually are about 180 to the mid 200 watts. The Italian motors have a more baritone sound unlike the high pitch, treble noise of the high wattage (usually 500 to 1000 watts) that use low amperage. Take into consideratin that a 200 watt AC motors is similar in power as a 500 watt DC motors. A 500 watt DC motor machine usually costs under 2000 dollars. A 500 watt AC with high amperage can cost close to 10,000. With low wattage and high amperage, this is when a machine becomes commercial so it can be used all day, such as in a gym or clinic.
The 2 most powerful highest amperage / low wattage machines I have tested.
Hypergravity (out of California) vs Wave (out of Canada)

Both of these brands are highly engineered but totally different. Hypergravity uses a high amperage DC motor and the Wave brand uses a super low wattage AC motor. Has just as low EMF as the DC motors due to its low energy consumption (180 watts max power which usually uses less if the person is not at the machines maximum weight allowance.

Dual Italian motors VERSUS single American built motor
With 2 motors, all the G force is not generated with one big blow at the bottom of the acceleration. With 2 motors, there is less balastic impact but the pop (feel of accelleration) has slightly more of a push feel but still giving the feel of a pop (a quick jolt to the plate) and gives the plate a few extra millisecomds to gain the G force which takes out the jarring. ​Italian motors usually are very low wattage (100 to 300 watts) and use very little energy and make less noise since they don't have to work as hard for comparable wattage. Having a two 100 watt Italian motors helps make the machine super quiet and use very little electricity.
100 to 300 lbs
Both machines range from around 100 lbs to over 300 lbs.
Most linear machine are around 100 to 130 punds and the one that are around 300 pounds are so rooted to the ground that its easy to tell if it is a commercial machine or not. There are some companies that put residential motors in 300 lb linear machines and it feels like the 10,000 commercial ones but you can't use them in a gym all day long like those models. The 300 lb machines that feel like a commercial machine usually cost about 3000 to 4000 including shipping that feels like the 10,000 ones in the gym. The warranty will be voided on these if it is used in a gym. Trust me, by dissecting the copper windings the manufacturer can easily tell if the motor broke from overuse, even the Italian made motors that are residentially rated. A commercial Italian linear motor machine is usually priced at 7,000 to 10,000. It is overkill to buy this just for residential use.

Why do linear machines give people the "itch"?
Linear machines help pump the one way valves in the lymphatic system to push the stagnant lymph filled up with toxins not just from the legs like the pivotal machines do but create a negative pressure throughout the whole body. Not just the legs but the valves in the neck, arms, back, everything is flushing. The tingly itchy feel comes from the blood vessels that become expanded that usually haven't been expanded in people that do not exercise to the point where they are exerting that much energy. Just walking slowly on uneven ground does not give most people that itchy feel.

Most people that are buying vibration machines have swelling all over their body. This can either be inflammation of fluids or cellulite. All of this restricts blood flow to the body slowing the body down. When the vibration machine finally lets blood pass these blockages, that is when people quickly notice the itching. It's kinda like the opposite of having your foot fall asleep. The freshly expanded vessels feel itchy at first but after enough sessions if the blockages are gone, then the blood flow is not restricted anymore and the itchiness disappears. 

Many people call me that have these blockages and the people that itch the most probably shouldn't use the machine for 10 minutes at a time because their body probably cannot process the toxins fast enough. If detoxing too fast it can give headaches which is not a good way to detox.
Feel of the plate:
It really depends on the current body ecology of the person using the plate but those with low density and very fragile tend to like the linear machines that have air cushions so that at the bottom of the deceleration it has a softer feel, taking out more of the ballistic impact of the previous generations that did not have the air bags. Models without the airbags are still good but depending on the engineering and type of linear motor, some can feel more jarring giving too sudden of a pop which some people say is too jarring to their back. There are even some self adjusting air bag cushions in the more expensive models that will adapt to the weight of the person on the plate so its not too soft and doesn't take away from the G force.

Picking out plate size:
Not everyone needs a large plate on a linear platform. The people that usually prefer a larger plate are taller people who need more room when doing exercises such as squats or wide arm pushups. Some plates are so large that it has enough length for a full lunge with both legs on the plate. On most smaller plates people have to put one leg on the ground and one on the plate when doing a lunge. If doing massage, on the smaller plates they only hold part of the leg. It is nice when I can place my entire leg on the platform and get a full legs massage. So many people have inflammation in their legs and getting a leg massage for those that cannot stand on the plate for 10 minutes usually enjoy it lying down. Many people can actually touch their toes again without straining. At the end of my leg workout if I have enough time I always lay down and put my thighs on the machine to shake out all the lactic acid created when I did my leg workout.

What type of exercises will you be doing
How long will the machine be run per day?
Do you want to be able to have back to back sessions (over 20 minutes of continuous running time)?
What's the highest amplitude you need?
Do you have back pain?
Do have any knee problems?
Do you prefer one or two motors
Do you care if the machine has high EMF?
Do you live in a home where residents/ neighbors will complain about noise
How tall are you? This will determine the size of the plate
Take the Linear Vibration Quiz
First Generation VS Second Generation Linear:
This is not about how the earlier linear machines made are better or worse, it is just different. 2nd generation and first generation machines each can get the job done but the 2nd generation has more features that have came about from all the complaints from the first generation. I will give examples of all the features of 2nd gen machines that are available as of spring 2012. I will update the list if any newer technology comes out.

Frame (inner structure) Most of the models wnet from plastic or fiberglass to steel. The 2nd generation focuses on the inner part of the steel frames. 2nd generation models are often engineered differently to direct more of the vibration into the platform instead of vibrating the base so the floor doesn't absorb the energy. Some inner frames have high density insulation too. Having dense insulation ear the motor helps control the vibrations going to the floor. Having dense insulation near the motor helps control the vibration to the plate and not to the floor. Dense insulated motors also helps to control noises people have complained about.

Suspension: Springs vs Air

Springs can be super compacted rubber or metal. The higher carbon the springs the longer the machine will hold the weight of people like when new. If a spring system can hold 300 lbs, wait 2 years with a low carbon spring and it might bottom out. This is another thing that people should know about when buying cheap linear machines. If companies would jsut add another 100 dollars worth of quality springs in their machine, I wouldn't have these complaints

Springs are louder than rubber springs. Rubber springs are less noisy than metal springs although they don't last as long. If getting rubber springs, and a person is 180 lbs, I would get a machine rated for at least double their weight so that when the rubber loses its suspension it still will not bottom out after 2 years or so.

AIR suspension can hold over 500 lbs to 1500 lbs. Air can hold a lot more weight than a spring suspension platform. WaveExercise.com was the first company to come out with the air bladder system a few years ago. I believe in a few years most of the companies will start switching to the air suspension as the price gets lower. It's been about 2 years and only one company has switched. The cheapest air bag models around 9 to 10 thousand so it pretty much leaves 99% of the market to the spring systems because of the price.

The air suspension machines have totally different components than a spring model. There are at least 3 times as many pieces that make the air bag system work. They are made similar to the German airbags you would see in fancy sports cars. The air bag systems are made in Germany and have to be imported so that makes it a little pricey too. It's not just an air bag under the plate. It actually inflates and calibrates to the users weight so the air can fill up enough to the weight of the person to deliver the same G force for every weight on the machine. It also has to have a container so it can deliver pure vertical vibration. It helps so that the plate goes directly up and down and cuts down on the friction of the plate which some of the earlier models gave.
Dual NON-Italian motors
All I will say is that newer models that have dual motor motors that came out after 2011 should be ok and not have the problems of first generation dual motor machines before the problems that scared everyone away from having both motors. If getting 2 motors, make sure that they are engineered to stay in sync.

Have you compared the difference between linear and pivotal vibration?
Air vs Spring feel: Comparing the suspension on both types -
After testing the spring based models and air based models at 30 hertz, there is definately a difference in feel. Air is not better but different. Their is definately a difference in noise at 30 hertz and even a bigger difference at 50 hertz. Their is a totally different ballistic impact with the air but at certain speeds and certain amplitudes have to sacrifice and increase the amplitude just a little higher with the air to get the same G force on the time between the decceleration and the instant of accelleration. At 4 mm amplitude on the air and spring there is also a difference in the ballistic impact. Some people will prefer air and others will prefer the springs. Based on the quiz, I can usually tell which people will prefer which. Thos that are working out vs those that want to move lymph or build bone density who already have low bone density will almost always prefer one over. Fortunately, I won't work with any companies that wont put in writing that they will let my customers try a machine for at least 30 days and let them return it. Most of the companies will not charge a restocking fee either. If someone buys two machines, I want the returns because most companies will give me a price break if I take the return and discount it under my normal wholesale price. Usually the locals will pick these models up or I will ship it out of state as a demo model if I haven't sold it locally. Again, I don't charge restocking fees because most manufacturer's subsidize the price for me as long as I take the return.

Coin test: At 30 hertz, there is also a noticeable sound difference in the sound of either keys or coins in my pocket on the air and spring suspension models. This is at the same hertz. This shows that evne at the same frequency and amplitude, the G force and ballistic impact is different. I will have a video up of this shortly.

EMF: the air bag systems seem to have a lower Emf over the spring systems at the same hertz. The Italian motors work on lower wattage and the other motors I tested it against were standard 500 watt motors. I really didn't have a motor that was low wattage that I could compare to the air suspension systems.

Jello- I did the same thing as with the keys and coins but with Jello. The spring models seemed to break up the Jello up a little faster.

Pole vibration: Of all the linear machines I have tested (this does not apply to pivotal vibration), any machine over 200 lbs does not vibrate the pole which has the control panel. Machines around 130 lbs usually don't rattle the pole until at the very high speeds. 100 lb or less with low guage steel usually vibrates the pole in the mid speeds and makes it hard to see the control panel while it the machine is vibrating. 50 lb machines... forget it. I'm lucky if the machine doesn't move across the room and the plug doesn't come out of the freakin wall. 

Talking about unwanted vibration, using the right linear machine can mean the difference between giving me a headache to a smooth vibration that is very soothing to all the joints and doesn't jar the body and give that jackhammer feel that linear machines have a bad rap for because so many buy because the machine either has the wrong horsepower, gives off too much EMF, a pop feel on the accelleration or a push feel. Getting the wrong size plate or motor that is over or under powered can make someone return a machine the day after they buy.

​See my Hypergravity Linear page review here

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